
Gross, Minsky & Mogul’s newest attorney, Cameron Ouellette, officially sworn in at the Penobscot Judicial Center

Gross, Minsky & Mogul’s newest attorney, Cameron Ouellette, was officially sworn in at the Penobscot Judicial Center on October 18, 2022. Gross, Minsky & Mogul’s newest attorney, Cameron Oullette, was officially sworn in at the Penobscot Judicial Center, and is now licensed to practice law. Maine Supreme Court Justice Andrew Mead presided (and posed for […]

Gross Minsky & Mogul sponsors Bangor Band’s concert

Since 2012, Gross Minsky & Mogul has sponsored the Bangor Band’s 4th of July concert. This year’s July 4th concert was delayed by a week because of Covid restrictions on the building where the band practices so on Tuesday, July 13, at the Bangor Waterfront, the audience enjoyed the band’s usual toe-tapping, patriotic tunes. Steve Mogul spoke […]

Attorney George Kurr achieved Life Membership with MSBA

Recently, Attorney George Kurr achieved Life Membership with the Maine State Bar Association (MSBA) by maintaining his MSBA membership for 50 years. He joins three other attorneys in the firm who have also achieved the same status. They are Attorneys Norman Minsky, John Logan and Joseph Ferris. Recognition is given to all Life Members at […]

Upcoming Webinar presented by Maine Lakes

Gross, Minsky & Mogul, P.A. is proud to sponsor an upcoming Webinar presented by Maine Lakes – a statewide environmental protection, education, and advocacy organization. The webinar is entitled, The Nature Gap: Racial and Economic Disparities in the Outdoors. The firm is co-sponsoring the webinar with the Maine Lakes Environmental Justice Committee. Attorney, Steven Mogul, […]

Maine Lakes Society Announces Steven Mogul Appointed Chair of Environmental Justice Committee

Attorney Steven Mogul, who serves on the Board of Directors and as Second Vice Chair of Maine Lakes (formerly known as Maine Lakes Society), was recently appointed to chair the organization’s newly formed Environmental Justice Committee.  The Committee was created in fulfillment of the Maine Lakes’ promise to, “appoint an environmental justice committee as a […]